Transportation Hot Tips



Kindergarten students must have a parent or guardian at the bus stop in
the PM and they must come to the bus door to receive the student. If a parent or
guardian is not present at the stop, the driver will return the student to the school
for parents to pick up the child.

Students need to be at their stop 5 minutes before stop time.

We do NOT permit students to go to another stop before or after school
for temporary reasons (parents out of town, going to a friend’s house, going to
grandma’s today etc.) We cannot possibly keep track of students should they
become lost if we approved temporary changes. As a courtesy, we can provide
an alternate bus stop for permanent changes for the school year. Parents need
to complete the Alternate Bus Stop Request form on our website. Students must
be eligible riders to be considered for an alternate bus stop.

Eligible bus riders must live in the district of the school they attend and
their registered address must be:

○ Elementary - more than 1 mile from the school
○ Middle - more than 1.5 miles from the school
○ High - more than 2 miles from the school
We no longer issue bus passes.

Bus number changes are sent out as soon as possible. We receive
reports from the maintenance department on what buses are out of service and
get the information to the schools as soon as we have all the information. Once
in a while we will have a bus that won’t start or other mechanical issue - we will
send a last minute change for those.

Buses leave 7 minutes after the bell in the PM.

Buses are not to stop once they start rolling in the PM. This is for the
safety of the students.

Buses are permitted to leave a student at the school in the PM if they are
causing a serious safety hazard on the bus (Fighting, smoking pot, possessing a
weapon etc.). They must leave the student with staff or security.

Bus stop information can be found on our website by clicking on “FindYour Child’s Bus Stop”.

Tony Gonzales, Director of Operations
- Responsible for General Education Buses and Safety
Karen Ramirez, Director of Special Services
- Responsible for Special Needs Buses and Field trips
Lynn Carl, Executive Director
- Responsible for Tony and Karen. And a couple of other things . . .

CLICK HERE to view the RRPS Student Transportation Department Website