About Our School
Puesta Del Sol Elementary
School Profile
Mascot: Eagle
Colors: Turquoise, Black and White
Grade Levels Served:K-5 with special programs
Schedule: Start: 8:00 am - Dismiss: 2:30 pm
Founded: Original facility (now housing St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School) opened in 1983 by Albuquerque Public Schools; current facility opened fall 1999
Staff Profile:
Dana Petro, Principal
Sarah Ranjbaran, Assistant Principal
Employees: 85
Teachers: 47
Instructional Support Staff: 28
Non-Instructional Support Staff: 10
School Goals:
Student Excellence
School Programs:
Reading Recovery, Literacy groups, full-time art and music, full-time educational technologist, SAFE Before- and After-School Programs, multi-age and inclusion classes, health and nutrition classes, maintenance and enrichment bilingual programs
Address: 450 Southern Blvd. SE Rio Rancho, NM 87124
Phone: (505) 994-3305
Fax: (505) 994-3316
Geographic Area Served: Cedar Hills, Granada Heights, Bali Heights, Siesta Hills, portions of Units 8, 9, and 11, portions of Star Heights
Student Profile:
Enrollment: 597 (October 2022)
Percent Special Education: 18.3%
Percent English-Language Learners: 17.3%
Ethnicity/Race: The percentages for each category are rounded up or down to the nearest .1 which may cause the total to slightly exceed or be below 100%. In addition, families of mixed-race heritage may now also designate their child as being of more than one race. This may cause the percentages to add up to a number that is other than 100%.
African-American: 1.2%
American Indian: 3.2%
Asian: 0.8%
Caucasian (non-Hispanic): 25.4%
Hispanic: 69.2%
Pacific Islander: 0.3%
Other/unknown: 0.0%